

Our journaling program is designed to help the survivors to write down everything they were afraid to speak out loud, things they have been harboring deep inside themselves for many years. All the questions they as victims ask themselves while living in these abusive relationships. All the fear they felt eating away at their very existence, the fear of leaving, fear of people finding out about the abuse, fear for their children, the fear of starting over, the thought of not having anywhere to go or anyone to talk too. But most of all fearing that no one would believe them. These are just a few of the fears of the victims and now questions that our survivors need answers to.

Journaling therapy will help and give them the tools they need to understand all the different emotions and feelings that came from living as a victim and being abused. In our program our therapists will be able to help guide them through all the questions, the whys and how could this happen to me. They will be able to express themselves without fear of conviction, fault or blame. They will be able to listen to their heart and this time know that there are no strings attached to what they are feeling. All the attachments that was pulling them in different directions will no longer have the power it once had over their life.
